Family and Home Life


Listen to this set of storytellers. They will be discussing their home life, relationship with their parents, and what they had to do to survive in the U.S. Take notes on parts you find interesting.

This is Cesar. He was brought to the U.S. when he was an infant! He spent 31 years of his life here.

Let’s listen to Cesar talk about his relationship with his dad and falling into the wrong crowd:

Cesar’s talks about his home life

Think about your relationship with your parents. Is it similar or different to Cesar’s? What do you think about Cesar’s experience on the streets? What do you think Cesar was feeling at the time?

Meet Sylent. Sylent spent his whole childhood in the U.S.

Sylent will tell us about his home life and his family:

Sylent speaks about his family time

Is your family structure similar or different from Sylent’s? Do your parents also work long hours? Compare Sylent and Cesar’s family experiences.

This is Armando. Armando was brought to the U.S. when he was 8.

Listen to Armando talking about the responsibilities he had as a kid:

Armando on leaving school to start working

What do you think about Armando dropping out to support his family? Do you think that was fair for him?


Pick one of these storytellers, and write about what you would do in their situation. How would you feel? If you were in a tough situation, who would you turn to? When you are done, move on to Lesson 6.
