Experiences After School


Listen to the audio files below. These are from a different set of migrants. They will be talking about their after-school experiences. Take notes on parts you find interesting.

Meet Mike! Mike was brought to the U.S. when he was a 3-year-old kindergartner.

Let’s hear Mike talk about the opportunities he missed out on because of his legal status:

Mike on wanting independence

Take some notes on your initial thoughts. Do you ever feel the same way Mike felt about independence? Do you think what happened to Mike was fair?

Meet Frank. Frank came to the U.S. before 5th grade.

Frank will tell us about an essay contest he participated in:

Frank not being able to go on a school trip

Have you ever entered a school contest? Think about the field trips you have been on and what Frank must have felt like at the time.

This is Ilse! She was brought to the U.S. when she was 9.

She’s going to talk about her extracurricular activities and college dreams:

Ilse’s college dreams are crushed

Do you participate in some of the extracurriculars Ilse talked about? Do you also have dreams about going to college? What do you think Ilse was feeling at the time?


Make a bullet point list of the emotions you heard the speakers express. Explain why you think the speakers felt that way under each bullet point. When you have finished, move on to Lesson 5.
