What is Undocumented Immigration?

The term “undocumented immigrant” refers to anyone residing in the United States without papers that prove they are allowed to live here. Currently, there are around 11 million undocumented people living in the U.S. Chances are you know someone who is undocumented!

Why are Undocumented People Here?

Undocumented people are here for many reasons. Some come here to make more money than they could where they originally are from. Others come here to reunite with their families. Some aren’t safe in their home countries because of wars, conflicts, or even climate change disasters. Even more are brought here by their parents. Today, you will hear from immigrants who were brought here when they were kids.

Why Don’t They Get the Proper Documents?

For immigrants coming Central America and Mexico, getting the right documents from the U.S. government is extremely difficult and can take years of waiting. Many people to choose to apply for asylum, which means they prove they are unsafe in their home country, but are denied. A lot of immigrants aren’t physically, socially, or economically safe enough to return to where they came from. Instead, they stay where they know they can build community.

What Do They Do Here?

They are just like you! The kids wake up, go to school, come home, and spend time with their friends and family. Their parents go to work and take care of their families, just like yours do.

Are They Criminals?

While the U.S. government thinks they are criminals because they don’t have official permission, they are just like every other U.S. citizen or legal resident. They are here to make better lives for their families, just like how your family takes care of you.


On the same sheet of paper, brainstorm some assumptions you have about what it’s like to be an undocumented middle schooler in the U.S. Move on to Lesson 3 when complete.
