After listening to these audio excerpts, revisit the initial assumptions you made about undocumented immigrants. Were your assumptions true or false? Write briefly about your original assumptions and how/if they changed.

Every one of the storytellers you heard from had the leave the United States after spending most of their life here. Some were deported after experiencing racial profiling. Others had to leave so they could go to college. Some left because their parents made them.

Many of them hope to return to the U.S. They miss their homes, communities, and neighbors.


Reflect on your notes and activities you have completed. Discuss with a partner what you learned from your favorite activity. Move onto the partner discussion questions when complete.

Partner Discussion Questions:

What forms of identity do you think impacted the storytellers?

Identity: the qualities that make someone who they are. These include, but are not limited to, someone’s ability (mental/physical), age, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or legal status.

What barriers did the storytellers have to overcome?

If you had to leave your home now and never come back, would you miss it? What parts would you miss specifically?

If you could be the President of the United States for one day, what would you do to help these migrants when they lived in the U.S.? How would you help them to make their lives better?
