Rhea Chandran


For my final project, I have constructed a 6 section lesson plan that utilizes multimedia tools to engage my target audience of 6th-8th graders. As these students are coming to terms with societal problems, exposing them to returning Mexican migrants stories is essential to fostering further accompaniment and solidarity within the larger immigration conversation. By excerpting transcript audio and text that is relevant to the lives of middle schoolers, I hope that this framework and tool can be practically applied to classroom environments that may not have exposure to undocumented communities.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to define undocumented migration
  • Students will identify how identity affects the lives of Latinx migrants
  • Students will compare and contrast their lived experience to migrants


The integration of transcript audio is essential to connecting the students the migrants. By hearing the migrants’ voices, students will be able to feel their presence as they listen to their story.


The inclusion of portraits allows students to see who they are hearing from. As many students are visual learners, connecting names, faces, and voices will make the migrant experience more tangible for this young audience.


The lesson includes many interactive activities that ask students to critically engage with the material. Writing prompts, compare/contrast lists, and thinking exercises are provided throughout for active engagement.

Project Goals

  • Makes Migration Encounters an accessible source for this younger demographic through its curricular nature and approachable language
  • Fosters solidarity and accompaniment through developing empathy and compassion
  • Further enables social-emotional learning for 11-13 year-olds
  • Allows this age group to relate to undocumented migrants in a way that is currently inaccessible through online format and individual activity